Invisible Cities - Installation by Will Gore
to 29 Sep

Invisible Cities - Installation by Will Gore

Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities is an architectural exploration of the complex relationships between memory, place, subjectivity and desire. Told through accounts of 55 fictitious cities, Will stands in as our tour guide, inviting us to look out of ‘sound windows’ that look out onto some of Calvino’s fantastical spaces.

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Sound Hoppers - Children’s Sound Workshop

Sound Hoppers - Children’s Sound Workshop

A sound exploration and deep-listening workshop for children aged between 5-11 years old.

The sessions aim to encourage attentive deep listening by way of a series of gamified listening exercises that explore various aspects of sound delivered by Modus Arts / Wajid Yaseen

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Listen, Play, Experiment: Voices of Water with Lucinda Guy & Alice Armstrong (Stellaria Media)

Listen, Play, Experiment: Voices of Water with Lucinda Guy & Alice Armstrong (Stellaria Media)

Workshop / Hydrophones / Outside and Inside - Connected to Blue Heart Project Eastbourne Listen, Play, Experiment: Voices of Water Come to a creative workshop where we will record our voices and underwater sounds. Together we will make a collective, ever changing, long-form sound installation and broadcast. No experience required.

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The Book of Visions - Ian Nesbitt

The Book of Visions - Ian Nesbitt

Socially engaged artist Ian Nesbitt’s practice spans filmmaking, writing, broadcasting and walking. In 2022, he completed a pilgrimage on foot along the Old Way, a recently unearthed Mediaeval pilgrim route from Southampton to Canterbury, passing close by St. Leonards-on-Sea. For Transmitter, he presents a performance reading of a selection of his writing based on the experience, enhanced by slides and field recordings, inviting the audience into a state of deep listening.

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Dinahbird - Goldlines

Dinahbird - Goldlines

Super High Frequency radio waves, signal noise and field recording recorded at the base of antennas between Chicago and New York, London and Frankfurt. High-frequency trading (HFT) uses complex algorithms to analyse multiple markets and execute orders. In trading vocabulary a signal is a pattern of data that influences these algorithms, inciting them to buy or sell shares or cancel an order. Since 2016 Bird and Renoult have been mapping these radio routes by finding the pylons, frequencies and relay links that transmit HFT data back and forth, in loops that cover the Earth.

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Fari Bradley - Live Performance

Fari Bradley - Live Performance

 With a history of live, broadcast and prerecorded collaborations, Bradley is a member of London noise-improv quartet Oscillatorial Binnage since 2013, who released the album Agitations: Post-Electronic Noise on Sub Rosa). As sound art duo Bradley-Weaver, Bradley released a limited edition artist-vinyl record with sound artist and archivist Christopher John Weaver with whom she has collaborated since 2013. The experimental vinyl Systems for a Score released on The Vinyl Factory, UK, was made during a live installation of a full size recording studio, for their eponymous solo show at Tashkeel (Dubai), 2014.

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Life Sentence: Ed Baxter & Anthony Moore - Live Radio Art Performance

Life Sentence: Ed Baxter & Anthony Moore - Live Radio Art Performance

In The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise (1837) the Victorian polymath Charles Babbage suggested that "The air itself is one vast library. One, on whose pages are forever written all that woman or man has ever said or whispered." This thought is the basis of Anthony Moore's composition "Hello, this is a sentence" on a live performance of which this digressive and deconstructionist broadcast by Anthony and Ed Baxter is in turn based. Life Sentence explores the way in which words both enter the memory of the hearer and continue into the air and addresses the mode of half listening that applies to the medium of radio.

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