
Essay, First Person, Dance Lucia Scazzocchio Essay, First Person, Dance Lucia Scazzocchio

From the Center Out - Archiving Black Dance In The U.S

Laura Marina Boria + Ana Cecilia Calle (US 2021)

Laura Marina Boria + Ana Cecilia Calle (US 2021)

15 min

Gesel, a choreographer living in Austin, Texas, walks us through solos that a hip-hop dancer and an expressionist dancer taught her over 10 years ago. "From the Center Out - archiving Black dance in the U.S." is about how a dancer's body remembers and what those memories sound like. During rehearsal, we're transported to scenes from the solos and we experience the stories and emotions driving them.

As Gesel dances, she talks and through her voice we experience her movement in a visceral sometimes uncomfortable way. If you’ve ever wondered how dance could be represented just through sound, this piece does exactly that.

Submitted to XMTR

Production + Editing by Laura Marina Boria
Production + Sound Design
Ana Cecilia Calle

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