Understanding Gwyn

Christina Hardinge (UK 2022)

10 min,

What happens when we reframe our journey with grief as a relationship? 'Understanding Gwyn' is an immersive unscripted story that brings this question to life as Christina Watson recounts her 34 year relationship with 'Gwyn'.

The piece was collaboratively co-created through a series of facilitated workshops and interviews, from which Christina created the character 'Gwyn'; a living, breathing manifestation of her grief.

Inspired by counselling & psychotherapy techniques that ‘bring to life’ adverse experiences through characterisation, adapted by the producer into a device for documentary storytelling.

This piece demonstrates just how powerful naming and anthropomorphising an emotion can be in order to accept it for what it is.

Audio Produced by Christina Hardinge
Co-created by
Christina Watson
Music by
Noemie Ducimetiere
A Falling Tree Production


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