The Ecco: This, a Million Times

Colin Shea (DE 2024)

10 min

How much control do you really have over your own mind? A story about OCD, PANDAS, and what happens when a brain changes itself overnight.

THE ECCO is an international non-commercial initiative designed to tug at the boundaries of the world of audio storytelling, journalism, and documentary work. We bring together talents in different parts of the world — journalists, sound designers, audio producers, sound artists, & writers— all united by a common goal: to push themselves and each other out of their work-related comfort zones and explore the different shapes audio documentaries can take, where they may intersect with art and what the impact of such playful exploration can have.

This was made during an immersive retreat where a curated group of talents collaborate, experiment, and support each other in crafting audio projects that are as diverse as they are profound

Produced by Colin Shea


The Ecco: Take an Acorn from Your Past Life and Plant it


The Ecco: Margery