Don’t Think About The White Polar Bear: Season 3, Ep 1 of The Family Tree

Produced by David Pickering & Adam Thwaite (UK 2019)

54 min

When podcast producer Dave Pickering is approached by his dad with a mystery from the life of a long-forgotten friend, he decides to investigate it in the only way he knows how: by having conversations. Mark Sullivan, who went missing 15 years ago, has been found dead. His body still has the arm he should have lost in a car accident and seems to have died eight years before he disappeared.

Here we are deep into the series but it’s a good place to suspend disbelief and get a taste for this bizarre story and to meet some of the characters. This should peak your curiosity to go back to the beginning where Dave speaks to his dad and brother and decides to investigate this mystery.

Written and produced by Dave Pickering and Adam Thwaite

Listen to the whole series


Mother In The Fridge


The Confidential Briefing