The Ecco: Red of Visibility

Phoebe McIndoe (DE 2024)

7 min

Growing up I went to a catholic primary school where the school emblem and colour was red. We had a visiting doctor who would see us in the head mistress' study without our red uniforms on. In this red space I had my first experience of bad touch. Or as I now call it, sexual assault. This piece is an attempt, years later, to explore and reclaim the colour red.

THE ECCO is an international non-commercial initiative designed to tug at the boundaries of the world of audio storytelling, journalism, and documentary work. We bring together talents in different parts of the world — journalists, sound designers, audio producers, sound artists, & writers— all united by a common goal: to push themselves and each other out of their work-related comfort zones and explore the different shapes audio documentaries can take, where they may intersect with art and what the impact of such playful exploration can have.

This was made during an immersive retreat where a curated group of talents collaborate, experiment, and support each other in crafting audio projects that are as diverse as they are profound

Produced by Phoebe McIndoe


Crush Tango


The Ecco: Wasting Time