A Shelter From The Storm

Produced by Social Broadcasts (UK 2018)

23 min

Constructed as an ‘audio portrait’ – this piece takes the listener into what first appears to be an ordinary dilapidated church somewhere in London. The chairs creak and the congregation clap along accompanied by a tambourine and guitar whist they enthusiastically sing generic hymns. The first listener reaction could be an eye roll and a little discomfort at the ‘Kumbaya’ nature of it all.  Then the sermon starts and we hear a female Reverend Jak Davis, and quickly understand we are not in the realm of the usual church experience as she talks about persecution and rejection by other churches and communities and how this church welcomes everyone, whatever their sexual orientation or gender preference.

This piece is primarily about rejection and acceptance, but also subtly touches on our own bias and preconceived ideas about the church and Christian worship in the UK.

Producer: Lucia Scazzocchio / Social Broadcasts
Executive Producer: Max Sanderson

Commissioned for The Story – Guardian Podcasts


Magneto Mori Vienna


Day Dream - EP 101 From the first he was nameless