All My Friends Are Turning Into Stars

Amber Devereux (UK 2023)

9 min

Originally commissioned for BBC Radio 4's Short Cuts, All My Friends Are Turning Into Stars is an exploration of chrononormativity, the idea that we all follow the same timeline, and what it means to live in opposition to it. It is a journey through space and time by way of Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf, the existential angst of turning 30, an astronomer in Chile, and a slightly unnerving 1950s public information film about how to be a person.

Produced by Amber Devereux
Featuring Dr Matthew Temple, Research Fellow, Universidad Diego Portales, additional voices by Lou Sutcliffe and Alessa Catterall, featuring quotes from De Profundus by Oscar Wilde, Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf and In A Queer Time And Place by Jack Halberstam.

With thanks to Axel Kacoutie


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